Burn Injuries | Jasper, AL Personal Injury Lawyer

Jasper Burn Injury Attorney

Need a lawyer for a burn injury case in Walker County?

Burn injuries are sustained at an alarming rate here in the United States. Did you know that there are more than 450,000 reported burn injuries which hospital treatment and more than 3,400 fire and burn injury deaths in 2012? Burn injuries can result from a number of different situations, some fires start from a natural source, while others are started by actions of man. However, the majority of burn injuries are preventable if it were not for negligence or misconduct. Not only do fires cause destruction to land, property and the natural habitat, but they can also severely damage the human body.

Extreme heat can damage the layers of skin and the smoke could cause serious respiratory problems. What many burn injury victims are not aware of, is that you may be eligible for compensation if you are able to prove that the incident was caused by someone else's negligence or carelessness. Our burn injury attorneys can inform you of your legal rights and can explain how they relate to your particular case. If you or a loved one has been seriously burned in a fire or other accident, speak with a Jasper personal injury lawyer from our firm without delay.

If you have sustained a burn injury, we can help! Tell us about it!

Types of Burn Injuries

Some burn injuries are not caused by fire- there are cases where severe burns are sustained from a chemical or scalding liquid. The most common types of burn injuries that we have seen at the firm include:

  • Residential fires
  • Vehicle crash fire
  • Smoke inhalation
  • Electricity
  • Scalding liquid
  • Hot objects
  • Chemical fire
  • Explosions

Burn injuries are broken down into varying degrees depending on the severity of the skin damage. The amount of compensation that burn injuries victims are awarded may depend the degree of burn damage that they have sustained. With third degree burns being the worst, it is important to know that all burn injuries are slow to heal and are quite expensive to treat. Our burn injury lawyers will pair you up with the best burn treatment facilities so that you receive the optimal care that you need and deserve.

How severe was your burn injury? First, second or third degree?

First degree burns only damage the outer layer of skin and they can leave the area feeling dry, red and sensitive to touch. A good example of a first degree burn would be a sunburn, which doesn't leave behind blisters. Second degree burns, also referred to as partial thickness burns, are a tad more severe because they damage part of the lower dermis layer of skin. These types of burns blister and swill and are extremely painful. Lastly, third degree burns, or full thickness burns, can cause permanent nerve damage because the outer epidermis and lower dermis layer of skin is destroyed. Third degree burns could leave the skin discolored with a leathery texture.

Seeking Restitution for Burn Injury Victims in Walker County

Looking for an attorney for your burn injury case in Walker County? Here at Warren & Associates, LLC, we are dedicated to serving personal injury victims in Jasper and all throughout Walker County. We know how difficult it can be to recover fair compensation after an accident and we can work to maximize your personal injury settlement. Our firm has handled countless burn injury cases and we know how expensive treatment can be and how painful the recovery is. Let us help you hold the negligent party responsible for paying your medical expenses, pain & suffering, lost wages and any other damages. With over 23 years of legal experience, we have extensive trial experience under our belt. Our firm headquarters is in the heart of the downtown area, so let us be your legal lifeline during this difficult time.

Contact our firm to schedule a free consultation with a Jasper burn injury lawyer today!