Jasper Wrongful Death Attorney
Walker County Personal Injury Lawyer

Need a lawyer for a wrongful death case in Jasper? There are many instances where personal injury cases can result in wrongful death. Wrongful death occurs when the life of an individual is ended prematurely due to the wrongful act of another. If your loved one has been killed in this kind of case, then it is important for you to seek legal representation as you may be entitled to collect money damages for your loss. You could be left with various expenses for funeral costs, unpaid bills, loss of income, and many other situations; it is important to know that the damages recovered in an Alabama wrongful death case are punitive and not compensatory. This means that when a judge considers the amount of damages you will be awarded, it is your loss that will be considered and not the financial hardships you have endured.
Each state has its own laws regarding wrongful death, and mandatory provisions for the loved ones of these victims. It is important to understand which state's laws may apply to your situation. If your loved one was killed in Alabama, then this state's laws apply; however if they were killed in another state such as Texas, then Texas wrongful death laws will apply. If your loved one is killed in Alabama, then you may be able to collect punitive damages for the loss you have sustained. The judge and jury will not consider the monetary value of your loved one (as in the case of compensatory damages), but rather the defendant's culpability, and the necessity for preventing similar wrongs in the future.
Allow us to seek justice on your family's behalf. Let us evaluate your case for free and assist you through this difficult process!
Let 23 Years of Experience Work for You
Searching for an attorney for wrongful death in Walker County? At Warren & Associates, LLC, we are dedicated to serving the residents of Jasper, Alabama in all personal injury legal matters. Your wrongful death case is important to us, and you can be sure that if you choose to work with us, we will stand by you and fight to see that you are given the compensation that you need in your situation. While no amount of money can replace the loss of a loved one, it is important that similar accidents are prevented in the future, and if money damages can help prevent this, then it is important that you are granted these damages.
Contact our office today at
(205) 221-1044 to discuss your case with a Jasper personal injury lawyer and to begin pursuing the results that you need.